Iowa Corn Political Action Committee

Learn About the ICGA Political Action Committee

The ICGA Political Action Committee (PAC) was formed to endorse candidates who support and advocate for corn farmer priorities. The PAC is widely recognized and respected for its nonpartisan approach to achieving the policy objectives of Iowa corn growers by supporting lawmakers who work to implement ICGA priorities.

Ultimately, you make the choice in the voting booth. The job of the ICGA PAC is to help you know which candidates are on your side as a corn farmer.

Political Action Committee Frequently Asked Questions

Why does ICGA need a PAC?

Voluntary PAC contributions provide ICGA members with another voice in the process, another chance to educate and influence policy decisions made at the state and federal level. Think of the PAC as another tool in the toolbox to help influence policy that is important to ICGA.

During the most recent election cycle, the PAC raised and distributed over $100,000 to candidates on the federal and state level who support ICGA policies.

Who can contribute to the PAC?

Voluntary contributions may be accepted from any U.S. citizen. However, solicitation for contributions is limited to ICGA members. Your participation is key to ensuring that agriculture’s side of the issue is heard.

Do my ICGA membership fees or checkoff dollars contribute to the Iowa Corn PAC?

No. ICGA membership fees and the PAC are separate and segregated funds. Furthermore, no checkoff dollars go to the PAC. PAC money is voluntarily contributed by ICGA members and must be specified by the member for the PAC. In fact, it is illegal for the ICGA “nonprofit organization” to contribute to the PAC or candidates directly.

How does the PAC determine the distribution of funds?

Endorsements and political contribution decisions are nonpartisan and based on the following:

How is the PAC organized?

PAC decisions are made by a six-member committee appointed by the ICGA President. Iowa Corn PAC members must objectively evaluate candidates based on their support of ICGA policies, regardless of party affiliation. This process requires equal representation of registered Republicans and Democrats on the PAC.