Adam Bierbaum – Cass County
The people that are around you shape your thoughts, perspectives, and values.
Do we realize what that’s worth?
Adam Bierbaum’s father influenced him to get involved with the community and various organizations to learn from others and use his voice.
This is instilled in him as a fifth generation farmer on a 150-year-old family operation.
>>He does these things to help navigate the conversations of conservation, technology and progression.<<
It’s an opportunity to be open to trying new things.
Even before Adam became the District 7 Director for the Iowa Corn Growers Association, he was involved with the organization as a senior at Iowa State serving on Iowa Corn’s first Collegiate Advisory Team (CAT).
Before Iowa Corn, he was a man with an agronomy degree trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life. After he left college, he paved a path for his career back to his family farm as an active member of Iowa Corn.
Adam continued to get more involved with the organization which led to more opportunities to expand his network.
He knew about the I-LEAD program. He did not know, however, the impact it would have on him as a leader in Iowa agriculture.
A farmer’s day to day can feel like they’re alone on an island, but I-LEAD is a program that connects you to over 20 like-minded individuals to help you evolve as a farmer on your operation and a leader in agriculture.
While in the program, Adam went on an international mission to Japan and Vietnam. He learned about market development first hand while seeing what these countries were doing with the corn they import from U.S. farmers, like Adam. It’s normally used for feed, but…
Instead of feed for cattles, pigs and chickens, feed was used for fish.
He responded,
>>“I ate more fish in those two weeks that when I got back home I wanted nothing to do with fish EVER AGAIN.”<<
While Adam can take away eating enough fish to last a lifetime from his travels, where he grew the most in I-LEAD was on the political side, understanding the government’s rules and impact on how farmers operate.
So, we asked him, “What would you say to a Senator standing in front of you? What is your story that you want to share?”
His answer is simple, “I’m a 5th generation farmer and I’m doing what I can to protect the soil and water…
“We need free trade, we need ethanol, and we need to open as many markets as possible because it’s one thing to grow a product but it’s another thing to be able to market it and have it available to other people.”
Adam leaves this advice to young farmers thinking of joining I-LEAD…
>>Just try it. Take it as a time to find out what your passions are. It’s always a good idea to get involved and try something new.<<
It’s not a coincidence that Adam is now serving as an Iowa Corn District 7 Director. Involvement and community engagement are part of the foundation that he and other farmers find value and grow their influence and passion on.
It shows you that now more than ever we need to rely on the people that surround us because we truly are stronger together… and that’s priceless.