Ralph Lents, President
Ralph Lents has been farming for over 45 years, growing corn, soybeans and hay in Adair County. He has used conservation tillage and no-till practices including buffer strips working to leave the land in better shape than when he started farming it.
Ralph currently serves as the President of the Iowa Corn Promotion Board Director and on the Industrial Usage & U.S. Production Committee. He also serves as the Beef Superintendent for the Adair County Fair.
He is a graduate of Iowa State University and have served in roles as president of the Adair County Extension, Corn, Soybeans and Pork Producers. He is a member of the Adair County Cattlemen, Pork Producers, Extension Board, past Superintendent of the Adair County Fair.
He was appointed to the Environmental Protection Commission by Governor Branstad in 2015 and previously served on the board of State Extension and the Central Iowa Power Cooperative.
Ralph resides in Menlo and has four children, Erica, Lou, Rob and Katie.