We Are Iowa Corn

Here at Iowa Corn, we work to unlock the potential of corn in a sustainable manner to meet the global need for food and energy through two dedicated organizations: the checkoff-funded Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB) and the advocacy-focused Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA).

Meet the faces behind Iowa Corn, explore ICPB’s checkoff initiatives, get involved with ICGA membership and more.

Photo of a farmer by water

Who We Are

We’re a group of folks who eat, sleep and breathe all things corn. Okay, mostly just the first one. But the point is – we’re passionate people! Meet our staff, farmer board members and the other teams working on behalf of Iowa’s corn farmers.

People walking up the steps to a capitol building

Iowa Corn Growers Association

ICGA membership gives you a voice and a seat at the table as we advocate for sound policy development and pro-farmer legislation. It gives you a whole lot more than that, too.

The Iowa Corn Promotion Board: Investing the Corn Checkoff for Your Farm

ICPB works on behalf of Iowa’s corn farmers to ensure continued demand for corn through research, market development and education. 
While you work hard to grow the best crop, see how the Iowa Corn checkoff dollars are hard at work for you.

Photo of a hand grabbing corn

Building Corn’s Potential Through Research & New Uses

ICPB invests in research to find new uses for corn and improve farming practices. Learn how corn checkoff funds are being used to develop new and improved corn-based products and increase efficiency on the farm.

Photo of a group watching a presentation

Market Development

Iowa corn farmers are known for supplying high-quality, high-yielding corn. ICPB ensures demand for that corn keeps growing. Explore the ways ICPB is driving market development to expand domestic use and increase export markets for corn in all forms.

Photo of two farmers inspecting corn


Corn is a big deal in the state of Iowa – both to those who grow it and those who consume it. From ag leadership opportunities and farm stewardship to learning more about where our food comes from, see how ICPB works to educate Iowa corn farmers and consumers alike on corn farming and its impact on everyday life.

In the News

From checkoff efforts to legislative happenings to association news, stay up to date and in the know on all things Iowa Corn.

News & UpdatesNews
Iowa Corn Announces Election Results for Board of Directors
July 17, 2024
Iowa Corn Announces Election Results for Board of Directors

Today Iowa Corn announced the Board of Directors election results for the Iowa Corn Growers Association® (ICGA) and Iowa Corn Promotion Board® (ICPB). Those elected as ICGA directors will continue to bring grassroots policy issues forward and be the collective voice for over 7,000 corn-farmer members lobbying on agricultural issues at the state and federal…

News & UpdatesEars in Washington
Grower Advocates, Navigating Unprecedented Times, Push for Bipartisanship
July 11, 2024
Grower Advocates, Navigating Unprecedented Times, Push for Bipartisanship

In July 2024’s Ears in Washington, Brooke Appleton discusses the NCGA’s focus on continuing the movement of farm bill.

News & UpdatesStewardship Advocate
2024 June Stewardship Advocate
July 2, 2024
2024 June Stewardship Advocate

In this month’s edition of Stewardship Advocate the Iowa Corn Promotion Board, Iowa Soybean Association, and the Iowa Agriculture Water Alliance are leading a statewide push toward a national cover crop goal of 30 million acres.

Ears in Washington
Reflecting on Forward Farm Bill Movement
June 6, 2024
Reflecting on Forward Farm Bill Movement

In June 2024’s Ears in Washington Brooke Appleton discusses the forward movement on the Farm Bill.

Stewardship Advocate
Default news thumbnail
June 3, 2024
2024 May Stewardship Advocate

This month’s Stewardship Advocate is partially adapted from an article from the Illinois Corn Growers Association entitled “A Farmer’s Guide to the GREET model”. Recently, there has been a lot of information and confusion about the GREET model, especially as it relates to tax credits like 45Z and 40B.

PublicationsRoots Magazine
Roots Magazine: March 2024
May 9, 2024
Roots Magazine: March 2024

In this issue we’re highlighting the Coalition to Support Iowa’s Farmers and its 20th anniversary, exploring Iowa’s role in the future of sustainable aviation fuel, recognizing our local farmer leaders, and more.

BlogsEars in Washington
Corn Growers Focus on Opening Markets, Enforcing Trade Agreements
May 1, 2024
Corn Growers Focus on Opening Markets, Enforcing Trade Agreements

In May 2024’s Ears in Washington, Brooke Appleton discusses the NCGA’s focus on opening markets and enforcing trade agreements.

BlogsStand Up With Stan
May Stand Up with Stan
May 1, 2024
May Stand Up with Stan

By: Stan Nelson Stan Nelson is a farmer from Middletown, Iowa, and currently serves as the Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB) President. As corn farmers, we know the value of our crops and corn in all forms, and when the opportunity arose to be the title partner of Iowa’s premier NASCAR Cup Series race, Iowa…

News & UpdatesStewardship Advocate
2024 April Stewardship Advocate
April 25, 2024
2024 April Stewardship Advocate

This month’s Stewardship Advocate features denitrifying bioreactors, a relatively new edge-of-field water treatment technology used to reduce nitrate-nitrogen in tile water coming from crop fields. Bioreactors are below-ground chambers, where tile water mixes with a high-carbon material like woodchips in a low-oxygen environment. Naturally occurring microorganisms on the wood chips consume the nitrates in the water and release it as nitrogen gas. The average bioreactor can handle up to 100 acres of upstream tile drained land. Installed bioreactors have shown up to a 54% nitrate load reduction, with an average nitrate removal of 43%.

BlogsStewardship Advocate
Default news thumbnail
April 3, 2024
2024 March Stewardship Advocate

This month’s Stewardship Advocate focuses on Carbon Intensity (CI) scores, including how they are calculated and what farmers can do to improve their scores. CI is defined as carbon dioxide emissions per unit of energy and is recorded as grams of greenhouse gases (GHG) per mega-jewel (MJ). Carbon dioxide makes up the majority of greenhouse…

BlogsEars in Washington
A Washington Filled with High Drama and Palace Intrigue
April 1, 2024
A Washington Filled with High Drama and Palace Intrigue

In April 2024’s Ears in Washington, Brooke Appleton discusses the turmoil in Washington and what farmers can do to help.

BlogsStand Up With Stan
April Stand Up with Stan
April 1, 2024
April Stand Up with Stan

By: Stan Nelson Stan Nelson is a farmer from Middletown, Iowa, and currently serves as the Iowa Corn Promotion Board (ICPB) President. As farmers, the importance of adopting prescriptive rather than restrictive approaches to conservation practices cannot be overstated. Every farm has unique needs and challenges, requiring tailored solutions for sustainable agriculture. Flexibility in modifying…